Digital IC Design Digital IC design is a very complex type of design that is used in the creation of components such as microprocessors, different types of memory ( RAM , ROM , Flash), digital ASICs, and FPGAs. The primary focus for an individual that is using digital IC design is on three things. The first is logical correctness. The second is circuit density. The more that can be added to a single circuit, the stronger the chip is going to be. The final thing that an engineer looks at is the placement of the circuits so that the clock and timing systems are as efficient as possible. Analog IC Design Analog IC design is a more basic type of design used to create op-amps, oscillators, active fillers, phase locked loops and liner regulators. Unlike digital IC design which is focused on fitting the most into the circuit as possible, analog IC design focuses on the physics of the semiconductor. The big things a designer pays attention to is the gain, matching,...
Integrated circuits are in almost every appliance known to man at this point in history from wristwatches to televisions and from coffee makers to, the most obvious, computers. An integrated circuit is a collection of diodes, transistors and microprocessors in miniature scale all operating on a single piece of semiconductor, typically silicon. Each performs a specific function that, when combined with the other components, can perform multiple tasks and calculations. First are the diodes; diodes by definition are electronic or electrical devices that regulate the flow or current of electricity within the circuit. Diodes control how much, when and how often electrons or electricity is allowed to flow into other parts of the system.We have all heard of transistor radios from the early 20th century and the transistors in integrated circuits, or ICs, are them same, at least by definition. Transistors can store voltage to stabilize the circuit or for amplifying a signal. ...